Get to know Jo

I’m Joanne Verikios, a trained, attuned and qualified Reiki healer.

In addition, I’m a horse-loving, powerlifting, belly-dancing, award winning author, public speaker, podcast guest, retired executive public servant, recovering perfectionist, property investor, renovator, health and lifestyle consultant and uncoordinated (but improving) karate student. I love a morning walk, a good book, holidays involving a beach and fun times with friends and family. I’m an advocate for eating well, running a healthy home and doing things that excite my soul. I’m also a firm believer in the 80/20 rule – it’s what you do 80% of the time that counts. (This conveniently allows me to indulge my penchants for drinking white wine, eating dark chocolate and watching Nordic noir!)

These days, Reiki is a key part of my lifestyle and philosophy.

I am absolutely passionate about Reiki, not only as part of my own healing journey , but also because of the joy of sharing the amazing potential of this safe, gentle, natural, complementary therapy with you.

Reiki can help you to transform your relationship with your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health, just like I have.

Through intuitive Reiki energy work, along with science-based nutritional, weight management and skincare advice, I guide and empower you with the tools and confidence you need to address deficiencies and imbalances in your body and your life; to take control and to move towards optimal health and happiness.

My goal is to be the best Reiki healer on the Redlands Coast and beyond, sharing the benefits of Reiki and using my skills, intuition and empathy to provide you with a relaxing, restorative, personalised experience.

“As you grow older, you’ll discover that you have two hands: One for helping yourself, the second for helping others.” ~ Sam Levenson


Looking back, I always had an inborn desire to heal and help others, to leave things better than I found them. The seed calling me to become a Reiki healer was planted back in 1992 but I have come to realise that the soil for that seed was already being cultivated from my earliest childhood.

Growing up, I was fascinated by folklore, fairy tales, and myths. I’d spend hours playing near a majestic eucalyptus tree in our backyard, creating my own rituals and altars. I even told my friends I was a “Red Indian” who arrived on a raft from America! These childhood fantasies may have been echoes of past lives or simply a deep connection to nature and its magic.

In 1992, I met an incredible woman named Klaudia Hochhuth, who introduced me to Reiki. She explained that it was a method of hands-on healing, using universal energy. Though life took me on a different path, the seed was planted. Years later, I rediscovered Reiki and found my teacher and mentor, Olga Duque. What a delightful surprise to learn that Olga’s lineage traced back to Klaudia Hochhuth and Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki!

Through shamanism, chanting, yoga, oracle cards, and healing drumming, I’ve deepened my connection to spirituality and the natural world. In 2012, a shaman in Utah told me, “You are a lightworker…an earthtouch lightworker. You are tuned into Mother Nature, animals, and the earth. You are here to help transmute the darkness into the light, to help people, animals, and plants to heal and feel better.” These words resonated deeply, and I knew I had to share this gift with others.

My Mission and Vision

As a Qualified Reiki Level II Practitioner, my mission is to help you experience increased happiness, harmony, balance, and abundance through the universal energy of Reiki. I’m dedicated to enhancing your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health, empowering you to be better, get better, and stay well.

My vision is that one day, Reiki will be recognised by holistic health providers and mainstream medical practitioners alike for its powerful contribution as a complementary healing modality.

“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” ~ Carl Jung


Qualified Reiki Level II Practitioner (Usui Shiki Ryoho)

Reiki Australia Practitioner Professional Category Member

Reiki Healing Association (RHA) Certified Member

International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Full Member

Trusted Health & Lifestyle Coach

Celavive Skincare Consultant

Multi-award-winning non-fiction author

Distinguished leadership career

Bachelor of Arts (Honours)