People sometimes ask me how I came to choose the name Lighthouse Reiki and Wellbeing. They also ask about the meaning conveyed by the graphics in the Lighthouse Reiki and Wellbeing logo.
The purpose of this blog article is to answer these excellent questions!

As an energy healer, lightworker and wellness consultant, I wanted a name and logo that would speak to who I am and what I do. I am indebted to my talented friend, Sharan Kafoa, for understanding my vision and turning my sketch of rays of light shining through a lotus blossom into a design of meaning and beauty.

Just as the beam of a lighthouse provides a glowing bridge between land and sea, showing the way into safe harbours, keeping sailors safe from treacherous rocks; my aim is to help you to navigate the knowns and unknowns in your spiritual and physical life by tapping into your innate wisdom and activating your inner navigation system.

In Taoist symbolism, Yin Qi and Yang Qi give birth to Earth, Metal, Water, Wood and Fire, whose various combinations produce the Ten-Thousand-Things. The construction, purpose and location of a lighthouse comprise all of the Five Elements. Small wonder, then, that lighthouses have long been associated with otherworldly knowledge and wisdom. A lighthouse stands for guidance, safety and hope in the face of life’s challenges. Tall, strong and resilient, the lighthouse keeps shining no matter how dark the night, how dense the fog, how wild the storm or how fierce the waves.

The yang of the lighthouse is balanced by the yin of the lotus. Whereas the lighthouse originated in the west and is an emblem of human will and our concern for one another, the lotus originated in the east and is a spectacular demonstration of nature’s ability to triumph despite adverse conditions.

Across many cultures and belief systems, the lotus symbolises divine beauty and purity of the heart and mind, rebirth and spiritual awakening, long life and honour, psychic abilities and enlightenment. Why? Because the stages of growth of the lotus, sprouting from below the mud to a glorious flower above the water, are emblematic of seeking the light from dark origins.

This is why the seven chakras (padmas) are depicted as lotus blossoms with different numbers of petals. The seventh or crown chakra, known as the “thousand petalled lotus”, is the throne of Infinite Consciousness. No matter how muddy the water, the flexible yet securely-anchored lotus produces a pristine flower.

Both lighthouse and lotus unite the terrestrial and celestial worlds. And just by being there, the lighthouse makes the world safer and the lotus makes it more beautiful!

The symbols in my logo tell this story and inspire me:

  • to explore the mysteries of life and the universe;
  • to transmute the darkness into the light and find beauty in unexpected places;
  • to blend the best of eastern wisdom and western science to help you to feel, look and do your best – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.